What do You Want for Your Dog?

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Recently I came across a 1982 book on how to train your dog. I cringed. I had forgotten just how physically and emotionally harmful these so-called ‘traditional” methods were.

Thankfully, over the last 20 years science-based studies around training are about connectivity and understanding rather than intimidation and punishment. This modern method fits right into my wheelhouse – guiding our dogs towards choice rather than force. We don’t have the right to dominate our dogs. Kindness will get the behaviours we want and still leave the relationship intact!

Take a moment to ask yourself honestly – do you inadvertently use any kind of force to control your dog’s behaviours, simply out of habit? Is it just because it is the only way you know? For example, if your dog continually jumps up on people, do you push and pull the dog off? I get it – this is a totally natural knee-jerk reaction! But wouldn’t you rather your dog kept all fours on the ground by his own choice?

Let’s face it – dogs do what is self-rewarding and, unless we guide them to an alternative that is even more rewarding, the behaviours will remain the same. If you are reading this article, I don’t doubt your sincere desire to do what is best for your canine companion.

So what kind of relationship do you want? Allow me to help you with some modern training techniques so you can have that dream family dog! It is totally doable!

“In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn.”
Phil Collins

Picture by https://puppyhero.com/